Jouko Verho är ledande forskare på området arbetsmarknad och utbildning. Utöver arbetsmarknaden har han undersökt frågor kring social trygghet och hälsoekonomi. Han har tidigare arbetat på FPA:s forskningsavdelning samt på Statistikcentralen med att utveckla distansanvändning av forskningsmaterial. Jouko har även varit forskare på Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU) i Uppsala samt gästat University College London. Han disputerade om nationalekonomi vid Helsingfors universitet 2008.

Utvalda artiklar

Hämäläinen, K. and Verho, J. (2022) Design and evaluation of the Finnish basic income experiment National Tax Journal, Volume 75, Number 3, September 2022.

Verho, J., Hämäläinen, K. and Kanninen, O. (2022)  Removing Welfare Traps: Employment Responses in the Finnish Basic Income Experiment American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(1): 501-22. 

Saastamoinen, L. and Verho, J. (2021) Regional variation in potentially inappropriate medicine use in older adults. - A national register-based cross-sectional study on economic, health system-related and patient-related characteristics, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(6): 1223-1227.

Verho, J. (2020) Economic crises and unemployment persistence: Analysis of job losses during the Finnish recession of the 1990s. Economica, 87(345): 190-216.

Kyyrä, T., Pesola, H. and Verho, J. (2019) The spike at benefit exhaustion: The role of measurement error in benefit eligibility. Labour Economics, 60: 75-83.

Almunia, M., Harju, J., Kotakorpi, K., Tukiainen, J., Verho, J. (2019) Expanding access to administrative data: The case of tax authorities in Finland and the UK. International Tax and Public Finance, 26(3): 661-676. Open Access.

Saastamoinen, L. and Verho, J. (2015) Register-based indicators for potentially inappropriate medication in high-cost patients with excessive polypharmacy. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 24(6): 610-618.

Johansson, P., Pekkarinen, T. and Verho, J. (2014) Cross-border heath and productivity effects of alcohol policies. Journal of Health Economics, 36: 125-136.

Verho, J. (2014) Unemployment duration and the role of compositional variation: evidence from a period of economic crisis in Finland. Empirical Economics, 47: 35-56.

Saastamoinen, L.K. and Verho, J. (2013) Drug expenditure of high-cost patients and their characteristics in Finland. European Journal of Health Economics, 14: 495-502.

Uusitalo, R. and Verho, J. (2010) The effect of unemployment benefits on re-employment rates: Evidence from the Finnish UI-benefit reform. Labour Economics, 17(4): 643-654.
