Roope Uusitalo är professor i offentlig ekonomi vid Helsingfors universitet och Statens ekonomiska forskningscentral VATT.
Uusitalo forskar i utbildningsekonomi, offentlig ekonomi och arbetsekonomi. På senaste tid har han fokuserat på uppsägningsskyddet, efterfrågan av och utbud av sociala färdigheter på arbetsmarknaden samt konsekvenserna av ändringar i utbildningspolitiken.
Uusitalo doktorerade i statsvetenskap vid Helsingfors universitet 1999. Han kommer till tjänsten som professor i offentlig ekonomi från handelshögskolan vid Jyväskylä universitet där han har varit professor i utbildningsekonomi sedan 2015. Han är ordförande för det 2014 grundade rådet för utvärdering av den ekonomiska politiken samt research fellow i det tyska forskningsnätverket för arbetsekonomi IZA.
Utvalda artiklar
Kristiina Huttunen, Tuomas Pekkarinen, Roope Uusitalo, Hanna Virtanen (2023). Lost boys? Secondary education and crime. Journal of Public Economics. Volume 218. Open Access.
Jokela, M., Pekkarinen, T., Sarvimäki, M., Terviö, M. and Uusitalo, R. (2017) Secular rise in economically valuable personality traits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(25): 6527-6532.
Böckerman, P., Skedinger, P. and Uusitalo, R. (2018): Seniority rules, worker mobility and wages: Evidence from multi-country linked employer-employee data. Labour Economics, 51: 48-62.
Koerselman, K and Uusitalo, R. (2014): The Risk and Return of Human Capital Investments. Labour Economics, 30: 154-163.
Rokkanen, M and Uusitalo, R. (2013): Changes in Job Stability – Evidence from Lifetime Job Histories, Finnish Economic Papers 26(2).
Moisio, A. and Uusitalo, R. (2013): The impact of municipal mergers on local public expenditures in Finland, Public Finance and Management, 13(3)
Huttunen, K., Pirttilä, J. and Uusitalo, R. (2013): The employment effects of low-wage subsidies. Journal of Public Economics, 97: 49-60.
Kerr, S., Pekkarinen, T. and Uusitalo, R. (2013): School Tracking and Development of Cognitive Skills. Journal of Labor Economics 31(3): 577-602.
Uusitalo, R. and Verho, J. (2010): The effect of unemployment benefits on re-employment rates: Evidence from the Finnish unemployment insurance reform. Labour Economics, 17(4): 643-654 [dp1]
Söderström, M. and Uusitalo, R. (2010): School choice and segregation: Evidence from an admission reform. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(1): 55-76. [dp2]
Pirttilä, J. and Uusitalo, R. (2010): Leaky bucket in the real world: Estimating inequality aversion using survey data. Economica, 77: 60-76 [dp3]
Pekkarinen, T., Uusitalo, R. and Kerr, S. (2009): School tracking and intergenerational income mobility: Evidence from the Finnish comprehensive school reform. Journal of Public Economics 93(7-8): 965-973. [dp4]
Böckerman, P., Hämäläinen, U. and Uusitalo, R. (2009): Labour Market Effects of the Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience. Economics of Education Review, 28(6): 672-681. [dp5]
Korkeamäki, O. and Uusitalo, R. (2009): Employment and wage effects of a payroll-tax cut: Evidence from a regional experiment. International Tax and Public Finance, 16(6): 753-772. [dp6]
Böckerman, P. and Uusitalo, R. (2008): Minimum wages and youth employment: Evidence from the Finnish retail trade sector. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(2): 388-405. [dp7]
Hämäläinen, K., Uusitalo, R. and Vuori, J. (2008): Varying biases in matching estimates: Evidence from two randomised job search training experiments. Labour Economics, 15: 604-618. [dp8]
Hämäläinen, U. and Uusitalo, R. (2008): Signalling or human capital: Evidence from the Finnish polytechnic school reform. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 110: 755-775. [dp9]
Böckerman, P. and Uusitalo, R. (2006): Union membership and the erosion of the Ghent system: Lessons from Finland. British Journal of Industrial Relations 44(2): 283–303. [dp10]
Hakola, T. and Uusitalo, R. (2005): Not so voluntary retirement decisions? Evidence from a pension reform. Journal of Public Economics, 89: 2121-2136. [dp11]