Gender Specific Relative Age Effects in Politics and Football
Julkaisu: VATT Working Papers 94
Päiväys: 5.9.2017
The existence of a relative age effect (RAE) is well documented, i.e., those born early in the calendar year perform better at school and sports. We exploit a change in a selection period in youth football and regression discontinuity design in political selection to parliament in Finland to provide causal evidence of the RAE on long-run outcomes: The RAE is not driven by inherent advantages of an early year birth but rather by factors that favor those that are the oldest of a cohort irrespective of the calendar year. Thus, it is not limited to sports but has persistent consequences even on the selection to the highest positions of power within a society. Strikingly, we find strong evidence that the RAE only applies to males in competitive political environments.Tutkimuksen pääteemat: Julkiset palvelut ja paikallinen julkistalous
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ISBN: 978-952-274-201-8 (PDF)
JEL: C21 D72 J13 Z22