From my Bachelors all through my PhD, I studied at KU Leuven in Belgium but I have taken opportunities to study in the US and Canada while also visiting research institutes in Austria, Barcelona and Sweden. My research fields of interest include public economics, regional and urban economics. My doctoral dissertation analyzes the impact of taxation and subsidies on regional development, firm growth and location decisions on the one hand and local government competition on the other.
Latest refereed articles
Leo Sleuwaegen and Sander Ramboer (2020). Regional competitiveness and high growth firms in the EU: the creativity premium. Applied Economics 52(22): 2325-2338.
Sander Ramboer and Jo Reynaerts (2020). Indecent Proposals: Estimating the Impact of Regional State Aid through EU Guideline Compliance. Regional Science and Urban Economics 82: 103424.
Research projects
Sander Ramboer
2023 - 2023
Effect of tax and transfer reforms on local fiscal policy and household location and commuting decisions
Sander Ramboer -
Essi EerolaSander RamboerTeemu Lyytikäinen
2021 - 2024
SustAgeable: Economic and social sustainability across time and space in an ageing society
Hanna PesolaSander RamboerTeemu LyytikäinenTomi KyyräTuomas MatikkaTuuli Paukkeri