Research cooperation and open science

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Research projects involve cooperation across organisational boundaries as well as with partners in Finland and other countries. VATT’s researchers visit universities and research institutes, and the cooperation partners of VATT researchers visit VATT either as presenters at seminars or on longer researcher stays. 

An important strategic partner in the Economicum Campus is the new Helsinki Graduate School of Economics. Bringing together the economics departments of Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics and the University of Helsinki, it represents a major skills cluster assuring education for researchers in the field and providing a lively research environment for international visiting researchers.

VATT is a member of EconPol Europe – the European Network for Economic and Fiscal Policy Research, which is an independent network of nine European economic research institutes and universities. The network was set up in 2017 by the ifo Institute to provide evidence-based policy advice to inform the economic and fiscal policy debate in Europe. VATT is also a member of ELMI – the Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes, which was founded in October 2022 by eleven European institutes dedicated to the study of labor markets and employment with a focus on policy advice.