Stefano Lombardi
Senior Researcher, PhD (Econ.)
Stefano Lombardi received his PhD in Economics in 2019 from Uppsala University while being affiliated with IFAU (Institute for Evaluation of Labor Market and Education Policy). Previously, he obtained his BSc and MSc in Economics from Bocconi University, and a BSc in Psychology from San Raffaele University.
Stefano's research interests are in applied microeconometrics, worker-firm matching, and dynamic treatment evaluation. In the past, Stefano studied the effect of wage subsidies on firm hiring behavior and performance. In his ongoing projects, he is studying the threat effect of unemployment benefit sanctions on re-employment rates, as well as methodological aspects of key duration analysis models used in policy evaluation.
At VATT, Stefano will continue doing empirical research in the broad labor economics area, with an emphasis on analyzing the effectiveness of policy reforms.
Stefano has been a research affiliate at IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) since 2019. He is also affiliated with UCLS (Uppsala Center for Labor Studies) and external researcher at IFAU.
Latest refereed articles
Lombardi, S., van den Berg, G. J., & Vikström, J. (2024). Empirical Monte Carlo evidence on estimation of timing-of-events models. Econometric Reviews, 44(1): 90–118.
Bertheau, A., Acabbi, E.M., Barcelo, C., Gulyas, A., Lombardi, S., and R. Saggio (2023) The Unequal Cost of Job Loss across Countries, American Economic Review: Insights 5(3): 393–408
Kristiina Huttunen and Stefano Lombardi (2021) Mortality inequality in Finland, Fiscal Studies, Volume 42, Issue 1. Special Issue on the Evolution of Mortality Inequality in 11 OECD Countries, 1990–2018: A Geographical Approach.
H. Schwandt, J. Currie, M. Bär, J. Banks, P. Bertoli, A. Bütikofer, S. Cattan, B.Z. Chao, C. Costa, L. González, V. Grembi, K. Huttunen, R. Karadakic, L. Kraftman, S. Krutikova, S. Lombardi, P. Redler, C. Riumallo-Herl, A. Rodríguez-González, K.G. Salvanes, P. Santana, J. Thuilliez, E. van Doorslaer, T. Van Ourti, J.K. Winter, B. Wouterse, A. Wuppermann (2021) Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 118(40).
Lombardi, S., Skans, O. N., and Vikström, J. (2018). Targeted wage subsidies and firm performance. Labour Economics, 53: pg. 33–45
Policy reports and working paper series
Barreto, C. et al. (2024), "The "clean energy transition" and the cost of job displacement in energy-intensive industries", OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 310, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/abf614d1-en.
Bertheau, A., Acabbi, E.M., Barcelo, C., Gulyas, A., Lombardi, S., and R. Saggio (2022) The Unequal Cost of Job Loss across Countries, NBER Working Paper No. 29727
Huttunen, K., and S. Lombardi (2021) Mortality Inequality in Finland, VATT Working Papers 140.
Lombardi S., van den Berg, G. J., and Vikström J. (2020) Empirical Monte Carlo Evidence on Estimation of Timing-of-Events Models, IFAU working paper 2020:26.
Lombardi, S. (2019) Threat effects of monitoring and unemployment insurance sanctions: evidence from two reforms IFAU working paper 2019:22.
Lombardi, S., and Vikström, J. (2019) Arbetsförmedlingens kontrollarbete, sanktioner och de arbetslösas sökbeteende ("Public Employment Service monitoring work, benefit sanctions and the job search behavior of the unemployed people", in Swedish), IFAU policy report 2019:23.
Vikström, J., Lombardi, S., and O. Nordström Skans (2018) Hur påverkar anställningsstöd och nystartsjobb de anställande företagen? ("How do employment support and start-up jobs affect the employing companies?", in Swedish) IFAU policy report 2018:13.
Research projects
Stefano Lombardi
2021 - Project ongoing
Nordic comparative micro-data laboratory for analyses of common shocks: The case of Covid-19
Hanna PesolaStefano Lombardi -
2022 - Project ongoing
How do economic recessions affect inequality? Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis and the 1990s Finnish recession
Stefano Lombardi