Latest Blogs
Researcher introduction: Research Professor Teemu Lyytikäinen
Blog 19.3.2025
This time, we introduce Teemu Lyytikäinen, who was appointed Research Professor at VATT Institute for Economic Research in December 2024. Teemu is involved in several research projects related to municipal finance and housing, among other topics. Read more about Teemu's research activities.
What does Finnish research tell us about the impact of cuts to unemployment insurance benefits?
Blog 25.2.2025
There is recent empirical evidence on the impact of cuts to unemployment insurance. "Both shorter entitlement periods and lower daily benefits shorten periods of unemployment and accelerate re-employment. The impact of less generous earnings-related benefits on the quality of future jobs is likel...
Long term effects of losing a job are less severe in Northern Europe than in the rest of Europe
Blog 9.11.2023 Stefano Lombardi
Losing a job has dramatic consequences in the short run and these effects are persistent. However, the long-run effects of unemployment vary in different parts of Europe. In Southern Europe, the consequences of losing one's job are economically more severe than in Northern Europe.
Researcher introduction: research professor Marita Laukkanen
Blog 22.9.2023
This time we introduce our new research professor Marita Laukkanen. Read here about Marita’s current research.
Researcher introduction: research professor Tuomas Pekkarinen
Blog 1.8.2022
We interviewed Tuomas Pekkarinen for our researcher introduction series. Read the text below to see what Tuomas is working on.
Researcher introduction: research leader Tuomas Matikka
Blog 25.7.2022
We interviewed Tuomas Matikka for our researcher introduction series. Read the text below to see what Tuomas is working on.
Researcher introduction: Florian Buhlmann
Blog 14.7.2022
We interviewed visiting researcher Florian Buhlmann for our researcher introduction series. Read the text below to see what Florian is working on.
Researcher introduction: Annika Nivala
Blog 16.6.2022
We interviewed Annika Nivala for our researcher introduction series. Read the text below to see what Annika is working on.
Researcher introduction: Nicola Mauri
Blog 9.6.2022
We interviewed visiting researcher Nicola Mauri for our researcher introduction series. Read the text below to see what Nicola is working on.
Researcher introduction: Terhi Ravaska
Blog 17.5.2022
We start our researcher introduction series with specialist researcher Terhi Ravaska. Read the text below to see what Terhi is working on.
How were the day-care centres of the two-year preschool education trial selected?
Blog 9.12.2021
A unique trial on a longer period of preschool education is being carried out in Finland. In this article, we will talk about the background of the experiment and the methods employed to choose the day-care groups for treatment and control groups around Finland.
What works? Lessons from Active Labor Market Policy evaluations
Blog 17.11.2021 Professor Andrea Weber
The rapid restart of economies after the COVID-19 related lockdowns comes with challenges for the labor market. In search of solutions to these challenges, policy makers look at past experiences with Active Labor Market Policies (ALMPs). It appears that past findings have influenced policy decisi...
Location-specific measures are needed to reduce emissions from transport
Blog 29.9.2021
In terms of climate policy goals, achieving emission reductions in the transport sector is in principle simple: combustion engine vehicles must be driven significantly less than at present. In rural areas emissions per household remain large, but total emissions are greatest in urban areas. Diffe...
Global minimum corporate tax and reform of taxing rights between countries
Blog 6.7.2021 Jonatan Kanervo, Seppo Kari, Emma Tuomi and Marika Viertola
The G7 countries reached preliminary agreement in June on a minimum corporate income tax and on a reform of how the taxing rights are distributed among countries. The G20 meeting in July will be more challenging. In the long term the change is unlikely to solve the problems of international corpo...
Spouses who work together - Evidence on relative income within households
Blog 30.6.2021
New research by Natalia Zinovyeva and Maryna Tverdostup examines why there are many more couples where men slightly out-earn women than couples in which women slightly out-earn men. Previous research has attributed this discrepancy to the existence of a ‘gender identity norm’ that prescribes a br...