Labour markets and education

Labour market and education policy issues, immigration and integration are important research topics at VATT. We explore how the education system can be made to work better for all, and which policy measures make the most difference in getting more people into the labour market.

Our significant research topics:

Other current research topics include:

  • Labour market and welfare effects of unconditional social benefits
  • The role of employers and employer pay policies in explaining wage inequality
  • The effect of collective bargaining in shaping the wage distribution.
  • Policy reforms promoting equality in the workplace: pay  transparency, Finnish equality act
  • Mental health in Finnish schools and consequences for education trajectories
  • Effects of immigration and integration policies
  • Several cross-country collaborations that use detailed administrative registers to study the effect of socioeconomic shocks in different labor markets
  • Changes in skills and the reasons behind these changes
  • Drivers of internal and international migration

We have gathered the essential findings from our studies on education on one page.

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