SustAgeable: Economic and social sustainability across time and space in an ageing society

Date of project : 2021 - Project ongoing

Population ageing undermines the economic sustainability of the welfare state. Challenges of fiscal sustainability put current benefit schemes and public services at risk, raising concerns of impairing social sustainability.


In SustAgeable consortium, we seek solutions to protect and promote well-being of the population while restoring the economic sustainability of the welfare state. We focus on 1) distribution of well-being and resources across geographical areas, generations and population groups, 2) cost-containment of public spending on social and health care services, 3) opportunities to increase employment through prolonging working careers and promoting immigrants’ integration, 4) management of caring responsibilities, and 5) local variations in ageing trends due to immigration and urbanisation.

We produce evidence on how successfully policies mitigate the undesired effects of population ageing on public revenues and spending, polarization and well-being.

The research is funded by: The Strategic Research Council

Consortium: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, VATT Institute for Economic Research, Finnish Centre for Pensions, University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, Labore and Aluekehittämisen konsulttitoimisto MDI

Responsible researcher: Tomi Kyyrä, [email protected], +358 295 519 427

Hanna PesolaSander RamboerTeemu LyytikäinenTomi KyyräTuomas MatikkaTuuli Paukkeri Healthcare servicesHighlightsIncome distribution and inequalityLabour marketsLabour markets and educationLocal public finance and provision of public servicesMunicipalities and wellbeing services countiesSocial securitySocial security, taxation and inequalityStrategic researchTomi Kyyrä