A study: Extroversion has become more valued in the labour market – success can be achieved with more than just intelligence

A study: Extroversion has become more valued in the labour market – success can be achieved with more than just intelligence

Since the early 2000s, the value of being extrovert has increased in the labour market. "Conscientiousness and education are still valued, but there is also new emphasis being placed on extroversion including sociability, activity and energy," says Ramin Izadi, a Senior Researcher at VATT Institute for Economic Research. The information comes from a new study, Evolving Returns to Personality, which has recently been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication in the prestigious Journal of Labor Economics.


Report offers new data on labour market performance of people who have moved to Finland for different reasons

Report offers new data on labour market performance of people who have moved to Finland for different reasons

According to a report commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the employment rate and average income vary strongly among people who have arrived in Finland for different reasons, especially in the early stages of their stay. The differences in the employment rate and income between immigrants and people with Finnish background narrow along with the length of stay in Finland.

VATT Seminar

26 September 2024

Tuuli Paukkeri (VATT)

Privately Owned Firms Among Underage Children and Income Inequality

10.30-11.30 AM (Economicum, 4th floor)