One or Two Tiers of Local Government? – The Cost Effects of a Regional Experiment

Tekijät: Kari Hämäläinen, Antti Moisio

Julkaisu: VATT Working Papers 65

Päiväys: 24.9.2015


This paper evaluates the cost effects of a Finnish regional self-government experiment. The experiment introduced a new intermediate tier of local administration that was given the responsibility to organize 60 per cent of public services. These services include e.g. basic health care, the majority of social services and secondary education, services that are typically provided by municipalities in Finland. Follow-up reports suggest that the experiment has resulted in massive cost-saving, especially in the social and health sectors. This paper puts previous findings under scrutiny by utilizing a synthetic control method for comparative case studies. Our findings cast serious doubts on the magnitude of the cost savings.

Tutkimuksen pääteemat: Julkiset palvelut ja paikallinen julkistalous

aluepolitiikka julkiset palvelut kunnat kuntatalous politiikkatoimien vaikutusten arviointi sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut vaikuttavuusarviointi yhteiskunnalliset kokeilut

ISBN: 978-952-274-159-2

JEL: H7 R5